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Îçê¬ÀÇ ÎçëÀôÉùÊîÜ ÷¾Óøëºúþ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study of an Attitude Pattern of Teachers about the Philosophy of Education

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.229 ~ 250
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ÚÓìÙùÍ/Park IH


The most important factor in education is known to be an attitude of teachers about the philosophy of education. Effectiveness of teaching of a teacher can be judged by the attitude of teachers about the philosophy of education. The purpose of this study was to find out an attitude pattern of teachers about the philosophy of education in teachers group as well as teachers¢¥ personal traits. This study deals with secondary school teachers¢¥ an attitude pattern about the philosophy of education.
Five attitude patterns about the philosophy of education are perennialism, idealism, realism, experimentalism, existentialism.
A questionnaire composed of 40 items, above were distributed to 250 secondary school teachers in 20 schools in Kwangju out of 250 teachers 210 teachers responded the questionnaire.
Data was analyzed by five factors(Sex, age, a carreer of education, a foundation of school, school ladder) to find teachers¢¥ attitude pattern about the philosophy of education.
Results were as follows:
1. The whole teachers¢¥ attitude patterns about the philosoph of education were experimentalism(35.2%), perennialism(29.0%), realism(21.0%), idealism(8.1%), existentialism(6. 7%).
2. Female, middle school, public school, old age and high carreer teachers highly appeared the experimentalism and male, high school, private school, young age and low carreer teachers highly appeared the perennialism.


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