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ãýúìη õÉç¯âú(Cardiac angiography)¿¡ À־ ûþòõη×â¿¡ ÓßÇÑ æÚϼ A Study of Image Quality Control on Cardiac Angiography

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.43 ~ 50
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ùÛî¤òÒ/Han JG


It was carried out that an image quality control and processing speed on cardiac angiography was controlled.
The results abtained are as follows;
1. At RAO 30¢ª cardiac Angiography depend on the developing system, patient¢¥s individual differences, but the control of density must be made daily. Therefore, the temperature of developing solution and processing speed should be controlled with uniformly, then the change of factors are easily controlled.
2. In case of the temperature of developing solution is constant, the fog density is decreased as faster as the processing speed of development. The double gamma characteristic property showed in the near 1.3 density.
3. In case of the developing speed is constant, the double gamma values showed near 1.2 density at developing solutions temperature at 26¡É and 28¡É. In case of the high temperature and speed, the fog density is increased.
4. It is the optimized condition that the temperature of developing solution is 26¡É and 28¡É and the processing speed is 10.5 ft/min.
5. In case of clinical image, the center of heart average density is 0. 96 and average density of lung field showed 1.5.


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