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À¯¾Æ±â Àڳฦ µÐ ºÎ¸ðÀÇ ºÎ¸ð¿ªÇÒ ÀνĿ¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A Study on the Parents¢¥ Recognition of Parenting Role in Early Childhood

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.155 ~ 180
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ÇãÇý°æ/Huh HK


In order to investigate the recognition of parenting roles in early childhood, this research is based on the analysis of the responses of 71 fathers and 103 mothers, whose children go to kindergardens.
The results are as follows;
1. Household activities, Caregiving and styles of child rearing
In household activities, there are considerable differences between fathers and mother. Fathers spend much less time for interacting with their children, than mothers.
The total amount of time, that fathers spend with their children is limited by the fact that most fathers are employed in full-time job. Mothers are more aware of the role of encouraging and emotionally supporting their children, promoting their abilities, and concerning their health and harmony of their families. And most of the parents are rather negative to achieve more knowledge of childhood education.
2. The concern to the childhood education, and the expectation to their children Mothers are more concerned with their children¢¥s kindergardens and more frequently go to the observance of the kindergardens. Both fathers and mothers achieve their knowledge of the childhood education, through the books, newspapers, and T.V. And fathers and mothers are worried when their child are unaggressive and unwilling to defend themselves or act impolite, whether their children are sons or daughters.
And they hope their children to go to excellent college, take good job, and grow to active and positive adults.
3. Control of child¢¥s Behavior
In the way of the control of child¢¥s behavior, fathers generally take power-assertive method and mothers mostly take love-oriented method.
But both of the two groups think love-oriented method is more desirable than power-assertive method.
4. The influence of their parent¢¥s methods and attitudes to themselves, while they were childhood.
The mothers, who are satisfied with their parents¢¥ methods of rearing themselves, are liable to adapt the methods in rearing their children. But on fathers, there is not significant difference (p>. 05)
5. Disirable parenting role.
Both of the two groups respond that they have to deeply concern with their children, take continuous conversation with them, and be good friends to them.
And mothers think it more desirable to take the role of protecting and rearing their¢¥s children, teaching them regular habits and moral attitudes, while fathers think it more desirable to be a good model, to correct their children¢¥s bad act, and to make them self-reliance.


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