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¡¸¸®´õ½±¡¹¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study on Leadership

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.255 ~ 291
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As modern business management covers a wide range both in quality and in quantity, the function of public administrative management is being expanded and strengthened.
The competent democratic leadership is needed to get the democratic and efficient business management.
There are two main sections in management.
One is the system-inhuman section, the other is the personality-human section.
As stated by Pullman, Leadership can harmonize the two sections and achieve managerial aims.
Especially, Korea, which is speeding up its modernization, requires, above all efficient and democratic leadership in administrative management, which is the main factor in modernizing our country.
The present age is called the age of management.
In Korea there is a growing tendency toward the bringing up of able managers.
It is not long since the study of management was introduced into Korea, but there are many people who are eager for the Knowledge.
The system of management has been shifting to the human relation management since Taylor¢¥s Scientific Management.
Great emphasis is laid on business management today.
The function and natural disposition of managers, therefore, are the kernel for the problem solving.
Managers must show a better leadership.
The importance of leadershap is accepted in every field and success of an enterprise depends upon the exercise of its leadership.
Different types of leadership are classified by different scholars.
The most typical ones are those of Lewin¢¥s.
They are dictatorship type, democratic type, laissez-faire.
The most desirable leadership is of course the democratic type.
It does not follow, however, that the democratic type ledership is available in any enterprise under any situation.
Those three types of leadership are to be made efficient use of according to the circumstances.
In conclusion, where the conception that the kernel of leadership is "authority is service" natures, there will exist perfect group which is formed of itself originally, and cooperation of the individuals will be made possible in the group organization.


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