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±³»çÀÇ Á÷¹«¸¸Á·¿¡ °üÇÑ ìé æÚϼ A Study of Teacher¢¥s Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1987³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.247 ~ 279
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This study is an empirical attempt to in vestigate the teacher¢¥s job satisfaction in secondary schools. Consquently, the main variable in this study is job satisfaction.
Therefore the purpose of this study is to examine in relation to sub-variables of job satisfaction.
The specific objects of this research are (1) to investigate the relationships among variables in terms of school characteristics and personal characteristics of teachers.
In order to accomplish the above objects, four sub-variables have been identified on the basis of a survey of the literature concerned. The sub-variables of job satisfaction consist of administrative support, personnal management, incentive sistem, and social relations.
On the basis of the theoretical background, two hypotheses have been formulated for this research purpose.
Hypothesis 1. There can be positive significant correlations among job satisfaction sub-variables with one another.
Hypothesis 2. There can be significant differences among the variables of this study in terms of school characteristics and personal characteristics of teachers.
To test these hypotheses, questionnaires were devised through statistical procedures in order to measure the validity and reliability of the items related to these four variables. The subjects were 380 secondary school teachers randomly sampled out Korea. Data collected were analyzed by the correlation, t- or F-test, specifically following the procedures in SAS, KAIST.
From this analysis the following conclusions can be draw :
(1) All the sub-variables studied show positive significant correlations.
(2) The average differentical analysis of school and personal characteristics reveals that female show higher averages in all variables. Public schools in all variables have higher average than private schools. Teacher groups have not shown significant differences. Urban cases mark higher than rural cases in averages. Teacher groups of middle school show the highest averages in personnal management and social relation while groups of women middle school show the highest averages otherwise. Teacher groups of 40 through 49 age show the highest averages in social relations and groups of over 50 age show the highest averages otherwise.


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