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Maria Montessori ÀÇ À¯¾Æ±â À½¾ÇÁöµµ¹ý¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ An Analysis of Music Textbook in Kindergarten and the first grade of Elementary School

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1987³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.349 ~ 369
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±èÇý°æ/Kim HK


The purpose is to compare the Kindergarten music textbooks with those of the first grade of elementary school and analyze them, to examine whether the correspond to children¢¥s developmental characteristics whether the music education of Kindergarten and the first grade have a connection each other.
The subject of this study are as follow :
1. What are the objects of music education in Kindergarten and the first grade?
2. How are the contents of music education in Kindergarten and the first grade?
3. Do the songs mentioned in the music textbook of Kindergarten and the first grade coincide with children¢¥s musical charateristics?
The method of this study :
Comparing the objects and contents of the collection of guiding child education materials¢¥ with those of the pleasant lives¢¥ guide book for teacher, I analyze the songs gathered in each book through the aspect of contents, composition, length, rhythm and voice-ranges.
The result of this study are as follows :
1. The music education of the first grade presents the goal which ¢¥the musicality of children is enlightened, through desirable musical experiences and the harmonious emotion and creativity.¢¥ On the contrary, the goal of music is not presented in Kinergarten education.
2. The spheres of music education contents in the first grade are divided into three, as like the basic capability, the expression capability, and the appreciation, the play of hand movements and the play of rhythm instruments.
3. The songs of the first, grade are estimated that they are selected to correspond to children¢¥s musical characteristics, on the other hand, those of Kindergarten have many problems in the aspect of composition, length, rhythm and voiceranges.
The conclusion derived from the results.
The music education of Kindergarten should be carried out coinciding with children¢¥s growth, connecting with that of elementary school.


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