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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1987³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.393 ~ 415
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The purpose of this study is to examine father¢¥s recognition of value about good parent¢¥s role and the degree of father-child interaction.
The questions of this study are as follows :
Q.1. Is there any difference in the degree of father¢¥s view of value about good parent¢¥s role within Fathers?
Q.2. What is the father¢¥s view for good parent¢¥s role?
Q.3. Is there any difference in the degree of traditional and developmental concepts of a good father within fathers?
Q.4. Is there any corelation of degree between father¢¥s recognition of father¢¥s role and father-child interaction?
For this study two nursury school, one kindergarden attached to Junior College, and one private kindergarden in Kwang-Ju city. The total number of the study subjects were 304 fathers.
The tool used for this study were questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed and filled by fathers.
Data obtained from the study were analyzed by SPSS computer programs.
The result of study are as follows :
1. For the father¢¥s view of value about good parent¢¥s role within Kwang-Ju city, there were significant difference among groups decided by education of father.
2. For the father¢¥s view of to be most important about good parent¢¥s role within Kwang-Ju city. In general role of ¢¥Health Care¢¥, ¢¥providing model for desirable discipline¢¥ were regarded to be most and role of ¢¥personality shaping¢¥ were regarded relatively less important.
3. For the traditional concepts of a good father within Kwang-Ju city, there were significant difference among group devided by education. There are also significant difference in develop mental concepts of a good father within Kwang-Ju city among groups devided by education.
4. Father-Child interaction within Kwang-Ju city, there were significant difference among group devided by education and child¢¥s sex.


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