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À¯Ä¡¿ø±³½ÇÀÇ Èï¹Ì¿µ¿ª¼³Ä¡¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÏ ¿¬±¸ A Study on Interest-Centers in Classroom Space Arrangement

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.167 ~ 180
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This study contains three purposes:
1. To consider the value of interest-centers.
2. To examine the fundamental principles about classroom space arrangement.
3. To investigate into the actual condition of classroom space arrangement in Gwangju and Jeon-Nam area.
The method of this study was the survey of 33 institutions with random sampling among the kindergartens located in Gwangju and Jeon-Nam area,, with referance to book, articles, periodicals and unpublished materials on the subject.
The results of the study can be summerized as follows:
1. We can make profits from interest-centers to concentrate child¢¥s attention, to control disturbance from other child, to offer opprotunities opprotunities to various experiences, to promote mental capacity and self-control, and to increase child-child interactions.
2. Generally, the rules of interest-center-arrangement are based upon Frost¢¥s principles. Every center should make their unique positions by facilities of movable furnitures.
3. A large percentage of kindergartens are emphatic on 3R¢¥s learning and have many problems of teaching materials & instruction methods.


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