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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.259 ~ 304
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The newcommer questionaire was administered to KHJC freshmen population. The total number of newcommer was 1040; male student, 404; female student, 636. To the newcommer questionaire, the number of respondents was 1000.
The contents of the questionaire covered following areas of newcommer¢¥s characteristics.
1) Personal identification, in which 4 items such as age, long-term residential address, residential conditions, religious affiliate, were included.
2) Family relations, in which 9 items such as father¢¥s or mother¢¥s age, their vocation, school career, number of family number, family atmosphere etc. were included.
3) Economic status, which contains such items as total income of the family, the source and adequateness of monetary support during school life.
4) Interpersonal relationship, which contained questions such as wanted type of friend, generation gap, topic of conversation with friends, etc.
5) Highschool life: year of highschool graduation, city or province of respondents¢¥ highschool located were questioned.
6) Study plan : the motive and procedure in deciding to apply ones department, academic areas, and etc. were questioned.
7) College life : kinds of difficulty in college life, extracurricular activity wanted, expectation to the professors, and etc. were surveyed.
8) Life philosophy, in which living values, furture plan, and etc. were questioned.


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