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Ç÷»ö¼ÒÄ¡ ¹× ÀûÇ÷±¸ ¿ëÀûÄ¡¿Í ¹éÇ÷±¸¼ö¿ÍÀÇ °ü°è¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Á¶»ç The Investigation of Correlation among the Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and WBC Count

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.323 ~ 327
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±èÈ­ÀÚ/Kim HJ


The resule of W.B.C. count by coulter appratus. Hemoglobin determination by Cyanmethemoglobinometry, and Hematocrit value by microcapillary methods are as follows;
1. Male Hb value is 10.6g/dl, Hct - 30.9% and female Hb - 9.93g/dl, Hct -28.6% are found under 5000/mm©ø in WBC count.
2. In case of W.B.C. count is over 10,000/mm©ø mean Hb contents of 13.9g/dl, Hct - 41.6% in male and 12.7g/dl, 37.9% in female respectively.
3. In beteen 5,000-10,000/mm©øof W.B.C. count male Hb. Hct are 12.6g/dl-17.5g/dl(mean 14.6g/dl), 43.1% and female Hb, Hct are 11.6g/dl 15.56g/dl (mean 13.3g/dl), 38.3% respectively.


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