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À¯¾Æ±³À°±â°üÀÇ °ßÇнǽÿ¡ °üÇÑ ÀÏ ¿¬±¸ A study on field trips by eary childhood educational institutions

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.385 ~ 407
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±èÇý°æ/Kim HK


The purpose of this study is to survery and analyze on field trips by early childhood educational institutions in Gwangju.
The subjects of this study were 45 teachers working at the early childhood educational institutions. The interview method with questionaires was used.
The data responded were analyzed by frequency and the percentage.
On the basis of analysis of these data, the following conclusions have been drawn.
1. All of teachers working at the early childhood educational institutions. recognized the value of the field trip highly and practiced the field trip.
2. The places used frequently for field trips are market, zoo, Museum, a fire office, a post office, A place of historic interest, a police station, a railroad station.
3. The field trips were planned trough teacher¢¥s conference and the planning of the field trips depended on the "Unit" and the "purpose of relevant learning". The pre-reconnaissance was acted in a large percentage of institutions. Teachers referred to readings by the Education Ministry for planning field trips.
4. The means of traffic for field trips were lending buses and the institution-bused. The large percentage of teachers explain brielfy about the subjects, places during the field trip. The follow-up after field trips was highiy recognized. The activities to reconstruct children¢¥s experiences are discussions, making a picture and providing opporturities for creative expression.
5. The ratio of institutions taking the parent¢¥s permission site was 26.7% The ratio of institution giving oppotunities for parents to join during field trips was 35.6%
6. A matter of prime importance to practice field trip was the ratio of adults vs. children.


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