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F.F.ChopinÀÇ ¡´Piano Sonata op.58¡µ¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A Study of Chpion¢¥s¡´Piano Sonata op.58¡µ

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.497 ~ 512
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In music romanticism was characterized by emphasis on subjective emotional qualities and greater freedom of form, and was development in French, Italy, German .
There was supressed insurrections and changes of territory during 19th century and poland achived independence and was characterized nationalist.
F.Chopin was born in such a background Bach and Mozart were his two favourite masters. His influence on Liszt and Wagner is too obvious to need emphasis and 20th-century tonality and French Music - Frank, Saint - Saens. One of leading the nationalist composers - Grieg, Dvorac.
F.Chopin compose 3 piano sonata, 24prelude, etude, 4baldad. The 3 piano sonata represents the quintessence of the romantic piano tradition and embodies more fully than any other composer¢¥s expressive and technical characteristics.
In this thesis, the present writer has made some research on chopin¢¥s piano sonata op.58" composed in 1844.
Chopin¢¥s music show the unity on motive and lyric melody. His harmonic innovations were revolutionary, used chromatic, modulation. This b minor sonata was moddated realtion key-B Major, D Major, F Major, and indicated the b minor sonata of Liszt. Expecially, the use of 7th chord influenced the modern works.


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