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À¯¾Æ±³À°±â°üÀÇ ½Ç³» ±âº»¼³ºñ¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÏ ¿¬±¸ A study about indoor facilities in the field of nursery-kindergarten education

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.513 ~ 524
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±èÇý°æ/Kim HK


The purpose of this study was to survey indoor facilities of kindergartens and nursery-schools in Gwangju & Geon-Nam Area.
The method of this research was to investigate the size - shape of tables, the size of chairs, the location use & size of individual cabinets, the size movability location & types of toilets, the types ¡¤size of toilet tools, the location size of washstands at 85 early childhood educational institutions.
Analysis of the data examined was done by use of the frequency and percentage.
The results of study were as follows :
1. Tables
A large number of institutions have rectanglar tables.
The average width of rectanglar tables is 76.7 centimeters, and the average diameter of semicircular tables is 66.3 centimeters.
2. Chairs
The average height of chairs i s 25.9 centimeters.
The average width of sitting aspects is 25.5 centimeters and the average length is 25.3 centimeters.
3. Individual Cabinets
The ratio of institutions setting up individual cabinets in the classroom is 62.3%. The individual cabinets were used by footwear-furniture, storage-drawer keeping children¢¥s things and dress-hanger.
4. The chests for instruments of education (display space) The most large of types of the chests is a shelf opened each side.
The average height of chests is 76.8 centimeters. The ratio of institutions using movable chests with wheels is 68.2 %.
5. Tho Toilets ¡¤Stools ¡¤washstands
The ratio of institutions establishing the toiletrooms outdoors was 36.5 %. Most of institutions used waterclosets. But the ratio of institutions using conventional stools¢¥ crooking knees is 83.5 %.
The average height of sitting-stools is 25.9 centimeters and the average width of conventional-stools i s 23.3 centimeters.
The ratio of institutions establishing washstands i n toilet-room is 34.1 %. The average height of washstands is 55.5 centimeters.


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