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¿µ»ê°­ »ó·ùÀϺÎÀÇ â©òõçýæø¿¡ °üÇÑ ðàÞÛæÚϼ -»êµ¿±³¸¦ Áß½ÉÇؼ­ Studies on the water pollution in Young San river

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1990³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.27 ~ 32
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·ùÀϱ¤/Ryu IK ÀÌÄ¡¿µ/°­¿µ½Ä/±è°üõ/Lee CY/Kim YS/Kim KC


Water quality of Young San river was examined for 3 months from April 12, 1989. to Jun 12, 1989. For checking the water quality 4 sampling position were selected.
The results we obtained are as follows.
1. The average for Young San river was 6.6¡­7.4 of pH, 3.6¡­8.7mg/§¤of Dissolved dxygen (DO), 18.67¡­33.47mg/§¤of chemical oxygen demand (COD), 47.66¡­250mg/§¤ of suspended solid (SS), 37.83¡­114.66mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction maters, 5.16¡­6.63mg/§¤ of BOD.
2. The monthly average for Young San river was 6.5¡­7.5 pH,3.5¡­10.4mg/§¤ of DO. 15.07¡­48.90mg/§¤ COD, 6.2¡­10.2 mg/§¤ of BOC, 2¡­250mg/§¤ of SS. 2¡­124mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction mater, in April, 6.2¡­7.5 of pH, 3.5¡­8.2mg/§¤ of DO, 2.4¡­5.7mg/§¤ BOD, 18.21¡­32mg/§¤ of COD, 16¡­123mg/§¤ of SS, 9.5¡­95mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction matter, in May 6.9¡­7.5 of pH, 3.8¡­7.50mg/§¤ of pH, 3.8¡­7.50mg/§¤ of DO, 4.0¡­5.8mg/§¤ of BOD, 18.23¡­of COD, 123¡­163mg/§¤ of SS, 102¡­125mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction matter in Jun.
3. The sampling positions averag for Young San San river was 6.9¡­7.5 of pH, 7.5¡­10.4mg/§¤ of DO, 15.07¡­22.8mg/§¤ of COD, 3.5¡­6.2mg/§¤ of BOD, 2¡­125mg/§¤ of ss, 2¡­102mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction matter in posiction 1.7.3¡­7.5 of pH, 6.0¡­7.5mg/§¤ of DO, 46.25¡­52.05mg/§¤ of COD, 2.4¡­8.5mg/§¤ of BOD, 58¡­123mg/§¤ of SS, 62¡­120mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstration matter in position 2. 6.2¡­7.3 of pH, of pH, 4.23¡­6.7mg/§¤ of DO, 4.9¡­7,9mg/§¤ of BOD, 18.23¡­36.75mg/§¤ of COD, 89¡­152mg/§¤ of SS, 75¡­123mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction matter, in position 3, 6.5¡­7.2 of pH, 4.0¡­10.2mg/§¤ of BOD, 3.5¡­3.82mg/§¤ of DO, 23.6¡­52.32mg/§¤ of COD, 123¡­250mg/§¤ of SS, 95¡­125mg/§¤ of N-hexane abstraction matter in position 4.


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