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ì¢ÖûÜÁúÏÀÇ á¶Ôðî¢ÝÂÛÕ üùÍý¿¡ μÇÑ ÍÅóÌ A Study on the Redistribution of Income under Health Insurance

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1990³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.273 ~ 295
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±è¹Ì/Kim M


The purpose of this study is to make research the redistribution of income under health insuuance. In Government-Worders and Private school ¢¥Teachers¢¥ Health Instrance, Employees¢¥ Health Insurance and Regional Health Insurance, redistribution of income is considered.
As a result, redistribution of income is found from Govern-ment-worders and Private School Teachers¢¥ Health Insurance.
In 1981, redistribution of income is showed the negative sign in Employees¢¥ Health Insurance, But after 1981. It appeared positive sign.
In Regional Health Insurance, a theoretical study attempted.
Con sidering an insurance bill loading, the utilization of medical facilities, and the time of payment, Regional Health insurance is more unfair than the other insurance program. Accordingly Regional Health Insurance has no redistribution of income.
Health pric come down on account of the execution of Health Insurance. So the low-income group is accessible to health services. For redistribution of income effect, a progressive insurance bill, integration of Health Insurance programs, and grarantee of medical facilitied are necessary.


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