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ì¢ÙâÑÀÖâÞÍÀÇ æµùÜ°ú òÅÙâØ»ðëÓø¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study on Accredited Record Technician¢¥s Role and Satisfaction Degree to Duty

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1991³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.181 ~ 196
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±è¹ÌÁ¤/Kim MJ


This data is a result of question about accredited record technicians role and satisfaction degree to their duty, who serve a medical
room and a hospital affairs section of 78 persons in 6 of general hospitals located in Kwangju from May 1 to May 37, 1991.
1) The general characteristics as follows.
The organization rate of male and female is that male is 46.2% and female is 53.8%. In the age distribution, age 25~29 is 3805%. In dcademic career, it is quite distributed equally but that the graduates of health field in the
two-year college is 28.2% shows an increasing tendency. In a service yea, 13~ 60months is 51.3%.
2) In an aspect of employment management, the person who serves at the medical record room wath a license of accredited record technician is 51.3% and 61.5% respecively, and the person who has no experience in other medical
institutions is 82.1%, In a employment relation in the hospital. the open employment is 43.6% and the relative;s assistance is 35.9%.
3) In a duty achievement attitude, that the training institution about the duty before employment is in the hospital self-education is 56.4% and in the two-year college is 33.3%. And the case that there is not any pre-knowledge
about the duty before employmentis 56.4%,
4) In a satisfaction degree to the duty, that it is common is 64.1% and that it is satisfactory is 25.6%. In an influence that the accredited record technician gives to the hospital, that it os very great is 25.6% and that it is common is 51.3%. It shows that they do their duties positively.
5) That they often suggest an improvement about an education training or duty is 64.1% and 48.7% respectively, but 30.8% and 35.9% of them do never suggest it to the hospital.
5) In an aspect of human relation management, I researched a harmony relation between the staffs in the administrative section and the medical. treatment section and the upper and lower employees in the hospital. Then, that it is common is 59.0%, 74.4%, 56.4% respectively and that it is quite cooperative is 28.2%, 23.0%, 41.0% respectively. So it shows that quite cooperative.
7) In an aspect of welfare relation, that it is common is 46.2% and that it is unsatisfactory is 51.3%, and that there is a lot of business quantity is 46.2%. Their payment is that 400,000~500,000won is 28.2%, 500,000~600,000won is 23.%, and 200,000~300,000won that is a low payment is 17.9%.
8) That the selection motive to the duty is casual is 47.1% and that they majored it in the two-year college is 30.8%. In a future service plan, that they will serve as long as possible is 46.1%, that they will move is 17.9%, and that they will were only in a necessary period is 33.3%. So it shows equipment and material to the duty, that it is common is 76.9% and that it is unsatisfactory is 20.5%. So it shows that it is insufficient.


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