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ú¼ïÙìµÒ·À¸·Î¼­ ÞäüåîÜ û¬øÁàõ A Study on Social Equity as Ideology of Public Administration

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1991³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.197 ~ 212
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¿ÀÁ¾Èñ/Oh JH


Administrative ideology means a criterion or a value of public administration that may be considered as ideal and desirable. It has been changed in conformity with the where and when. The change in pubic administration is to be achieved by changing or changing emphasis of Ideology and ethical norms which guide all the government activities.
In this context, we can say that what should be persuited as a new dministrative ideology in Korean government is the social equity. The pursuit of social equity can be justified by following reasons. One is morally righteousness and the other is political reality. Because, deep-rooted inequity can jeopardize the existence of political system in any country.
Social equity as a new administrative ideology head toward security of qualitative value of life. The ideology is more basic and general end-value than any other ideology. Therefore, social equity is the administrative ideology which suggest the directions that our rapidly changing society and modern democratic countries should take in the future.
Accordingly, in order to be achived social equity in our society, first of all, we should have much concerns about the policies to raise living conditions of the relatively poor and alienated class.
Also, in order to enhance the social equity in our society, it is prerequisite to establish the equality of opportunity the discrimination by social class, sex, region etc. in social institutions and government activities.
Administrators should have much concerns about consequences of government activities, and identfy citizens¢¥needs through incessant interactions. In addition to these activities, the arguments on social institutions and polices closely related with realization of the values and preference of all levels of society ought to be carried out. Practical effort to rectify the social inequity, first of all, the will and attitude of the political leader, the administrative bureaucrat and the intellectual have an important effect.


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