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ñ¬äÛ´ï â©Í§ÀÇ ÓÞóìжÏØ ÝÂøÖ ¹× ÚËÓø¿¡ °üÇÑ æÚϼ Studies on the distributional variation of fecal E. coli in Juam Dam

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1991³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.285 ~ 292
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±è°üõ/Kim KC


The Population densities of fecal E. coli in Posong river, Tongbokck¢¥on and Isack¢¥on where was planed for Juam Dam were estimated during the periods from summer 1988 to summer 1990.
The results showed that total density of fecal E. coli was 15.9¡¿10(3) cells/100ml in January 1989, 5.9¡¿10(3) cells/100ml in April, 1989 11.8¡¿10(3) cells/ 100ml, in November 1989, 6.3¡¿10(3) cells/100ml January, 1990.
The increase of population density was effected by process of contaminas. Consequently the increase of population density for E. coli was mainly influenced by flow of organic material from domestic sewage particlary and animal organic matters were usually more effective than plant organic matters in Juam Dam.


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