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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1992³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.173 ~ 204
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ÇÑ¿µÇö/Han YH


Korea has achieved remarkable results in quantitatively expanding its national economy as a result of following a development strategy which focused on rapid growth during the 1960s. However, the growth oriented economic policies have brought about numerous problems and adverse effects, such as imbalance among the regions and class, and the accumulation of the basic demands of the people.
Among the problems, it¢¥s true that the problem of the poor have been acutely felt continuously, but it¢¥s also true that the governmetnt could not give them due consideratins in its policies and social concerns. However, with economic growth the expectations of the citizens toward welfare increased. And because a system of social security was not extablished in nation wide, it is asked that the governmetnt should take care of the directly. From this point of view, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the actual conditions of the poor in the Kwangju city.
Summarizing the results of this paper, first, looking at the general charcteristics of the head of the family among the poor. 1) they tended to be advanced in age and a high percentage of them were women. 2) they worked as simple laborers and high percentage of them were unemployed, and the majority of them were unskilled, 3) none of them had a stable job because they were in a disadvantageous position in gaining employment due to their low level of education.
Second, looking at the economic conditions, 1) their earnings was very small and there was much debt because expense surpassed income, 2) the reason most frequently indicated for going into debt was due to insufficient living expense.
Third, summarizing the housing situation, the majority of the poor did not own their own houses.
Fourth, summarizing the conciousness of the poor, 1) housing problem and the absence of a steady job were cited as being the major difficulties, 2) they felt strong discontent to the economic distribution strusture.
Although the government¢¥s policies toward the poor are being variously carried out, they tend to be more rhetorical and there are many points which are lacking in their implementation. They amount to stopgap measures instead of being fundamental solutions. Thus, to make policies long term and fundamental, several proposals are stated below.
First, of rationally select the people who are to be given assistance by the protection of livelihood program, the minimum living expense must be accurately measured, the limitation in the number of people to be given assistance be gotten rid of, the principle of giving assistance to all those who apply should be adopted, and the investigation of personal assets and eligibility interviews carried out.
Second, to improve the distribution structure of the social welfare system, a "social walfare office" should be established and its specialized personnel deal exclusively with the poor.
Third, to improve regional welfare facilities, leisure facilities should be merged or abolished and the facilities reinvigorated with the expansion of government support, and the personnel of the social welfare facilities should be significantly fortified with qualifies specialists. Also, registration of the people who are to be given assistance should be carried out exclusively by the welfare office, and the social welfare facilities should be established by business and religious organizations which have abundant human and material resources.


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