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ôìá´Ò´Ñ¢ÀÇ í»ä²ïáô÷Êï û¡à÷â©ñÞ°ú ü»ÌÑé©ì׿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study on the Formation Level of Ego-Identity and Environmental Factor in Adolescence

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1992³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.345 ~ 366
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ÀüÀºÈñ/Jeon EH


The purpose of this study was two-fold. The first; on the ground of the formation theory of Erikson¢¥s ego-identity which the important developmental-ask in adolescence lies in the formation of ego-identity. The formation level of ego-identity was to examine to the level difference between "Juvenile Delinquent Group(J.D.G)" and "Non-Juvenile Delinquent Group(N.J.D.G)". The second; to present a distinguished matters among these environmental-factors because the source of delinquency be in close connection with family, society environment and psychological factors. A special environmental-factors was to prove to the difference between J.D.G and N.J.D.G.
The subjects of this study were randomly selected: J.D.G is 116 male students(mean age: 16.57 yr.) in 1st and 2nd grades in a liveral high school, while N.J.D.G is 105 juvenile delinquent (mean age: 16.23 yr.) which have come into a police station to make a misdeed. And the instrument of this study was examined in ego-identity scale which designed by Suh-Bong Yean and which consisted of total 64 items as 8 sub-scales.
The statistic treatment of data used the SPSS/PC^(+) program. The level difference of ego-identity between two groups is analyzed by t-test. And the difference of a special environmental-factors is analyzed by ¥ö©÷test.
The major findings are summarized as follows;
1. Comparing the level difference of ego-identity between J.D.C and N.J.D.G. in 8 sub-scales and total scales.
1) According to mean score of ego-identity in 8 sub-scales, N.J.D.G showed lower score wholly than J.D.G in "uniqueness" (p<0..05), "self-acceptance"(P<0.05), "self-assertiveness" 2) According to mean score of ego-identity in total-scales, N.J.D.G showed lower score remarkably than J.D.G(P<0.001).
2. Comparing the difference of a special environmental-factors between J.D.G and N.J.D.G.
1) On religion no-yes; J.D.G showed more relatively than N.J.D.G in "Religion No"(P<0.05).
2) On birth order; "The eldest son showed the most in N.J.D.G, while J.D.G. showed the most "the lastborn"(P<0.001).
3) On the parents¢¥ existence; Especially, J.D.G showed more fairly than N.J.D.G in "widowed mother"(P<0.05).
4) On month income of family; Especially, J.D.G showed more quite than N.J.D.G in "31-40 Man Won"(P<0.001).
5) On system of family; All both group showed much in "nuclear family".
6) On the fathers¢¥ occupation; Especially, J.D.G showed the most than N.J.D.G in "labor" and "without occupation"(P<0.001).
7) On presence of the mothers¢¥ occupatoin; J.D.G showed more comparatively than N.J.D.G in "the mothers¢¥ occupation existence"(P=0.0687).
8) On the place of life during growth; Particularly, all both group showed much in "together parents" (P<0.05).
9) On living together of parents during growth; J.D.G showed more comparatively than N.J.D.G in "divorce" "separation"(P<0.01).
10) On person that two group were much affected during growth; All both group showed more in "mother & father". But J.D.G showed more pecularly than N.J.D.G in "mother"(P<0.001).
11) On the presents¢¥ chief problem with you is confronted; All both group showed the most in "one¢¥s way for an advanced school". On the other hand, J.D.G showed much more than N.J.D.G in "social life adaptation" (P<0.001).
12) On the family problem which oneself be felt most severely; Especially, J.D.G showed more remarkably than N.J.D.G in "economic difficulty" and "not converse with parents on a problems"(P<0.001).


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