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µµ½ÃÁö¿ª°ú Àü¿øÁö¿ª 12¼¼ ¾Æµ¿ÀÇ ¿µ±¸Ä¡ ¿ì½Ä°æÇèµµ¿¡ °üÇÑ ½ÇÅÂÁ¶»ç A study on the DMF of schoolchildren 12 years old in urban & rural area

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1994³â 19±Ç 1È£ p.203 ~ 214
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¾çÁ¤½Â/Yang JS Á¶¹ÎÁ¤/Cho MJ


Dental caries is a kind of major disease of oral cavity and is very prevalent in primary schoolchildren of 12 years old.
As a trial step to prevent dental caries, the authors surveyed 303 boys and 243 girls in Kwang-ju city and 284 boys and 286 girls in Hwasun-gun.
Analysis on the DMF of above schoolchildren reached following results.
1. DMF rates of 12 years old children are shown as 78.21% for boys and 82.71% for girls in urban area(Kwang Ju city) and as 70.42% for boys and 80.76% for girls in rural area(Hwasun-gun).
2. DMFT indexes are 3.26 for boys and 3.49 for girls in urban area, 2.49 for boys and 3.42 for girls in rural area.
3. DMFT rates are estimated as 12.71%(boys) and 13.25%(girls) in urban area, 10.06%(boys) and 13.18%(girls) in rural area.
4. DMFS indexes are obtained as 5.61(boys) and 6.181(girls) in urban area, 5.44(boys) and 6.307(girls) in rural area.
5. DMFS indexes marked the most severe infection with caries at occlusal surface, the medium at proximal surface and the lowest at buccolingual surface in both boys and girls of urban area.
However, in rural area, dental caries showed the most severe condition at occlusal surface, the medium at buccolingual surface and the lowest at proximal surface.
6. It is necessary that oral health care center should be established at each primary school in order to prevent dental caries of 12 years old schoolchildren both in urban and in rural areas and also dentists and dental hygienists should be provided to execute school based oral health care projects such as pit and fissure sealing, tooth-brushing instruction and fluoride-solution rinsing.
It is convinced that DMF of schoolchildren can be reduced by the above-mentioned school-based oral health care projects under the proper support of government.


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