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Ä¡°úÀ§»ý»ç È°¿ë¹æ¾È¿¡ °üÇÑ Á¶»ç¿¬±¸ A study on the utilizable program of dental hygienists.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1995³â 20±Ç 1È£ p.211 ~ 228
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±è¹ÌÇü/Kim MH


In order to collect the necessary information for the utilizable program of dental hygienists, the author questionnaired about 155 future dental hygienists who are sophomore dept. of dental hygiene in Kwang-ju and Jeon-nam health college.
The obtained results were as follows:
1. 57.71 percent of the respondents had positive response about professional prospect and 85.71 percent of positive respondents selected the item because of taking a job easily.
2. 92.26 persent of the respondents desired to the opinion to develop the chair-side dental assistant institution as a new dental manpower in Korea.
3. 98.06 percent of the respondents answered if the chair-side dental assistant institution is developed, it is necessary for taking dental assistant share of the responsibilities of dental hygienist.
4. 77.24 percent of the respondents agrce to the opinion to expand the responsibilities of dental hygienist to the early treatment for dental caries and gingival disease.
5. 98.06 percent of the respondents answered that it is necessary for dental hygienist to be stationed dental clinic in elementary school.
6. 78.06 percent of the respondents wanted to work as long as their lives if the conditions are allowed.


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