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¹æ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇаú On-line Åë°èó¸®ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇ °³¹ß The Development of On-Line Statistics Program for Radiation Oncology

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Purpose: By developing on-line statistics program to record the information of radiation oncology to share the information with internet. It is possible to supply basic reference data for administrative plans to improve radiation oncology.
Materials and methods: The information of radiation oncology statistics had been collected by paper forms about 52 hospitals in the past. Now, we can input the data by internet web browsers. The statistics program used windows NT 4.0
system, Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS4.0) as a web server and the Microsoft Access MDB. We used Structured Query Language (SQL), Visual Basic, VBScript and JAVAScript to display the statistics according to years and hospitals.
This program shows present conditions about man power, research, therapy machines, technics, brachytherapy, clinic statistics, radiation safety management, institution, quality assurance and radioisotopes in radiation oncology department. The
consists of 38 inputs and 6 outputs windows. Statistical output windows can be increased continuously according to user's need. Conclusion: We have developed statistics program to process all of the data in department of radiation oncology
reference information. Users easily could input the data by internet web browsers and share the information.


¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ÀÓ»óÅë°è; ¹æ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐ Á¤º¸; µ¥ÀÌÅͺ£À̽º; Radiation therapy; Clinical statistics; Radiation oncology information; Database;

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