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ÁÖ±âÀû Á¤µµ°ü¸®¸¦ À§ÇÑ One Click Film (OCF) ¼±·®ÃøÁ¤ ½Ã½ºÅÛ One Click Film (OCF) Dosimetry System for Routine QA

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Purpose: To develop a practical film dosimetry system for routine Quality Assurance (QA).

Materials and Methods: An One Click Film (OCF) Dosimetry system was designed to perform swift routine QA with functions including automatic fog value elimination, angle adjustment, automatic symmetry calculation, and realtime profile
with the ability to display realtime three-dimensional dose distributions.

Results: The most frequently used functions for routine QA, such as the elimination of the fog value, conversion into an H&D curve, symmetry, and isodose distribution, can be achieved with only one click.

Conclusion: Reliable results were achieved with the OCF dosimetry with simpler steps than other commercially available film dosimetry systems for routine QA. More research on the refined user interface will make this system be clinically


Çʸ§ ¼±·®ÃøÁ¤; ÁÖ±âÀû Á¤µµ°ü¸®; Film dosimetry; Routine QA;

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