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´ëÅðºÎ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ½Å°æÃÊÁ¾¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ÈÄ°æ°ñ½Å°æº´Áõ 1¿¹ Posterior Tibial Neuropathy by Schwannoma in Midthigh

´ëÇѱÙÀüµµÀü±âÁø´ÜÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2005³â 7±Ç 2È£ p.139 ~ 142
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¹Ú³ë°æ ( Park Noh-Kyoung ) 
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ÀÌÁ¾Çö ( Lee Jong-Hyun ) 
´ëÀü ¼±º´¿ø ÀçÈ°ÀÇÇаú
±èµ¿¼ö ( Kim Dong-Soo ) 
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À¯ÀåÇå ( You Jang-Hun ) 
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Á¶ÀÎȯ ( Cho In-Han ) 
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We report a case of a schwannoma that developed in the sciatic nerve of a 57-year-old man was presented. Compression of the sciatic nerve by the tumor caused weakness and wasting of the gastrocnemius muscle. Electrodiagnostic studies revealed posterior tibial neuropathy with axonal involvement at the thigh. MRI images, pathology of the tumor showed schwannoma. We report a patient with posterior tibial neuropathy by schwannoma.


Schwannoma;Neurilemoma;Posterior tibial neuropathy;Sciatic nerve

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