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Çѱ¹ÆÇ ¿ö½ÌÅÏ ½É¸®»çȸÀû °£Áú ôµµ(K-WPSI)ÀÇ Å¸´çµµ£ºÈ¾¹®È­Àû ºñ±³ ¿¬±¸ The validity and Reliability on Korean Version of Washington Psychosocial Seizure Inventory£ºCross-Cultural Comparisons

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ÀºÇåÁ¤ ( Eun Hun-Jeong ) 
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ÃÖ¸»·Ê ( Choi Mal-Rye ) 
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Purpose£ºThe aim of this study was 1) to confirm the reliability and validity of a Korean version of Washington Psychosocial Sei-zure Inventory (K-WPSI), 2) to investigate the psychosocial func-tioning of epilepsy patients from Korea, and 3) to compare with other countries.

Methods£ºThe subjects were 302 patients with epilepsy (above 18years). They completed K-WPSI of 132 items including 11 sub-scales£ºfamily background, emotional adjustment, interpersonal adju-stment, adjustment to seizures, medical management, overall psy-chological functioning, Blank, Lie and Rare. We assessed internal consistency, item-subscale correlations, and split-half reliability. Construct validity was assessed by correlating scales of Psycho-social Rating Sheet and K-WPSI. K-WPSI profiles were compared with those from the West Germany, Finland, Canada, the United States, Chile, Dutch, and Japan.

Results£ºThe internal consistency estimated by cronbach¢¥s alpha coefficient was .934 and split-half reliability coefficient was .876 for adequate reliability (p<.01). Each of subscales in the K-WPSI were high correlated with theoretically similar scales but correlation bet-ween theoretically dissimilar subscales was not high. And K-WPSI subscales were significantly related to the PRS subscales. It showed that the Korea epilepsy patients had serious problems in emotional, interpersonal, vocational adjustment, financial status, adjustment to seizure, and overall psycho-social functioning. Comparing the out-comes of various countries, epilepsy patients from Korea and chile had the most serious problem in most areas of psychosocial func-tioning.

Conclusions£ºK-WPSI could be a useful test in Korea for reli-able determination of the various psychosocial problems of epilepsy patients but modifications of the limitation of the Lie scale may be needed.
Comparing the results of other countries, Korea epilepsy patients have been experienced serious psychosocial problem. To solve this problem, social policy and medical and emotional supportive sys-tem for persons with epilepsy should need to be established.



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