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´ã³¶ ¿°Àü 1¿¹ º¸°í - º¹°­°æÇÏ ¿°ÀüÁ¤º¹ ¹× ÀýÁ¦ - A Volvulus of the Gallbladder - Laparoscopic Detorsion and Resection -

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±èµ¿Èñ/Kim DH ÇÑÁرæ/Han JG


Volvulus of the gallbladder is an unusual entity that gives rise to perforate following the necrosis of gallbladder. Since its first description by Wendell in 1898, its diagnosis prior to operative exploration has been extremely elusive. Currently the diagnostic value of radiologic imaging is limited. We report here a case of volvulus of the gallbladder in a 73-year-old woman who was treated successfully to detorsion and resection of gangrenous gallbladder laparoscopically without the usualrequirement of open exploration. Additionally, the etiology, clinical feature, diagnosis, and treatment of the condition are reviewed.


¿°Àü; ´ã³¶; º¹°­°æ; ´ã³¶ÀýÁ¦¼ú ; Volvulus; Gallbladder; Laparoscopy; Cholecystectomy

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